Pokemon Go PC Calculator

If you’re a dedicated player of the mobile game Pokémon Go, you might be interested in exploring some of the tools available for optimizing your gameplay experience. One such tool is the Pokémon Go PC calculator, which allows players to calculate their Pokémon’s Individual Values (IVs) and other important statistics from their computer rather than their mobile device.

In this article, we’ll explore what the Pokémon Go PC calculator is, how it works, and some of the best options available for players who want to use this tool to optimize their gameplay experience.

What is the Pokémon Go PC calculator?

The Pokémon Go PC calculator is a software tool that allows players to calculate the IVs of their Pokémon using their computer rather than their mobile device. IVs are hidden values that determine a Pokémon’s base stats, such as HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

By calculating their Pokémon’s IVs, players can determine which ones are the strongest and most useful in battle. They can also identify the best ways to level up their Pokémon and which ones to prioritize in their gameplay.

How does the Pokémon Go PC calculator work?

The Pokémon Go PC calculator works by using data from the game to calculate a Pokémon’s IVs. Players input their Pokémon’s species, level, CP, and HP into the calculator, and it generates a range of possible IV combinations that could produce those stats.

Players can then use this information to narrow down the possibilities and determine their Pokémon’s individual IVs. Some calculators also take into account a Pokémon’s appraisal, which is a feature in Pokémon Go that allows players to get feedback from their team leader on a Pokémon’s overall stats and potential.

What are the best Pokémon Go PC calculators?

There are several Pokémon Go PC calculators available for players to use. Here are some of the best options:

  1. Poke Assistant

Poke Assistant is a popular web-based calculator that allows players to input their Pokémon’s stats and generate a range of possible IV combinations. It also offers other useful features, such as an IV calculator for eggs and a move set analyzer.

Poke Assistant is a free tool and does not require any downloads or installations.

  1. Pokémon Go Toolkit

Pokémon Go Toolkit is another web-based calculator that allows players to input their Pokémon’s stats and generate a range of possible IV combinations. It also offers other useful features, such as a Pokémon Go type chart and a CP calculator.

Pokémon Go Toolkit is a free tool and does not require any downloads or installations.

  1. GOIV

GOIV is a desktop app that allows players to calculate their Pokémon’s IVs using their computer. It features a simple and user-friendly interface, and can quickly and accurately determine a Pokémon’s IVs.

GOIV also offers a variety of customization options, such as the ability to set specific CP and level ranges for IV calculations.

  1. PoGoToolbox

PoGoToolbox is a web-based calculator that allows players to input their Pokémon’s stats and generate a range of possible IV combinations. It also offers other useful features, such as a Pokémon Go raid guide and a Pokédex.

PoGoToolbox is a free tool and does not require any downloads or installations.


The Pokémon Go PC calculator is a useful tool for players who want to optimize their gameplay experience and build the strongest team possible. By using a PC calculator, players can calculate their Pokémon’s IVs more easily and efficiently than they could on their mobile device.

There are several PC calculators available for players to use, each with their own features and benefits. By exploring these options and finding the one that works best for them, players can take their Pokémon Go gameplay to the next level.

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