Pokemon Infinite Fusion is a fan-made game that allows players to create custom Pokemon by fusing two existing Pokemon together. In addition to creating custom Pokemon, players can also evolve their fusions using various evolution items. In this blog, we will explore some of the evolution items available in Pokemon Infinite Fusion and how they can be used to enhance your custom Pokemon.
Possible Evolution Items and Their Uses
- Metal Coat: The Metal Coat is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Steel-type Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by a Steel-type Pokemon like Magneton or Scizor, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms such as Magnezone or Steelix. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
- Dragon Scale: The Dragon Scale is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Dragon-type Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by a Dragon-type Pokemon like Seadra or Kingdra, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
- Moon Stone: The Moon Stone is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by certain Pokemon like Clefairy or Jigglypuff, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms such as Clefable or Wigglytuff. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
- Sun Stone: The Sun Stone is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by certain Pokemon like Sunkern or Gloom, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms such as Sunflora or Bellossom. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
- Thunder Stone: The Thunder Stone is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by certain Pokemon like Pikachu or Eevee, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms such as Raichu or Jolteon. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
- Water Stone: The Water Stone is an evolution item that can be used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion. When held by certain Pokemon like Staryu or Eevee, it can trigger their evolution into more powerful forms such as Starmie or Vaporeon. This item can be obtained by defeating certain trainers or by purchasing it from certain shops in the game.
Pokemon Infinite Fusion offers a wide variety of evolution items that can be used to enhance your custom Pokemon. These items can trigger evolutions for specific types of Pokemon, such as Steel-types or Dragon-types, or for specific Pokemon that require a certain stone to evolve, such as Pikachu or Eevee. With these items, players can create custom Pokemon that are even more powerful and unique than before. Players should experiment with different evolution items and Pokemon combinations to find the perfect fusion and evolution for their playstyle. With so many possible combinations to choose from, the only limit is the player’s imagination.