Pokemon Stat Calculator With Items

In the world of Pokemon, calculating a Pokemon’s stats can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to take into account the Pokemon’s level and IVs, but also the effects of items such as held items, Mega Stones, and Z-Crystals. Fortunately, there are several tools available online that can help you calculate a Pokemon’s stats with items. In this article, we’ll discuss what a Pokemon stat calculator with items is, how it works, and how to use it to calculate your Pokemon’s stats.

What is a Pokemon Stat Calculator with Items?

A Pokemon stat calculator with items is a tool that allows you to determine your Pokemon’s stats based on the information you provide, including the Pokemon’s level, IVs, nature, and held items. These calculators take into account the effects of items such as Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and other held items to calculate the Pokemon’s final stats.

How Does a Pokemon Stat Calculator with Items Work?

Pokemon stat calculators with items work by taking the information you provide and calculating the estimated stats based on a set of formulas. The formulas are based on a combination of the Pokemon’s level, IVs, nature, and held items. The more accurate the information you provide, the more accurate the stat calculation will be.

There are several ways to input data into a Pokemon stat calculator with items. One common method is to enter the Pokemon’s stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed), level, and nature into the calculator, along with the held item. Another method is to use the Pokemon’s current experience level and current stats to calculate its stats with items.

Using a Pokemon Stat Calculator with Items

To use a Pokemon stat calculator with items, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Obtain Your Pokemon’s Information

To calculate your Pokemon’s stats with items, you’ll need to obtain the following information:

  • The Pokemon’s stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed)
  • The Pokemon’s level
  • The Pokemon’s nature
  • The Pokemon’s held item

You can obtain this information from the Pokemon’s summary page in-game.

Step 2: Choose a Pokemon Stat Calculator with Items

There are several Pokemon stat calculators with items available online, but it’s essential to choose a reliable and accurate calculator. Some popular calculators include Smogon, Poke Assistant, and Pokemon Showdown.

Step 3: Input Your Pokemon’s Information

Once you’ve chosen a Pokemon stat calculator with items, input your Pokemon’s information into the calculator. Make sure to enter the correct information to get an accurate stat calculation.

Step 4: Analyze the Results

Once you’ve inputted your Pokemon’s information, the calculator will provide you with an estimated range of values for each of the Pokemon’s stats, taking into account the effects of the held item. The estimated range is based on the information you provided and the calculator’s formula.

It’s important to note that stat calculators with items are not 100% accurate, but they provide a good estimate of your Pokemon’s stats with the held item. It’s also essential to understand that held items are only one factor that determines a Pokemon’s stats. Other factors, such as the Pokemon’s EVs (Effort Values), nature, and level, also play a role in determining a Pokemon’s stats.


In conclusion, calculating a Pokemon’s stats with items can be a time-consuming task, but using a Pokemon stat calculator with items can make the process much easier. When using a calculator, it’s important to provide accurate information to get the most accurate stat calculation.

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